Establishing and maintaining good oral hygiene is critical to one’s oral structure, function and comfort. When harmful oral bacteria remains in the mouth for an extended period of time, it can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Learn more

You and your dentist work closely together in order to help you establish and maintain good oral health through preventive oral hygiene habits. Unfortunately, even the most rigorous oral hygiene habits may not be enough to effectively eliminate all possibilities of gum disease. Learn more

You’ve probably heard time and time again that regular dental exams and cleanings are vitally important to your oral health. Most individuals agree that dental exams and cleanings are simple and painless, despite the fact that someone is poking around in their mouth and there are strange noises throughout the process. Learn more

Are you a dentist? Do you want to team up with us?

The Doctor of your Gums! 

Periodontists are gum specialists and take care in preventing the gum and periodontal  diseases and in it’s treatments. Gums are a very important part of your oral cavity which are generally taken for granted by us. Thus problems related to them start occurring from a very young age only. Dentists are thus highly specialized in this area and know the latest advancements for treating any kind of ailments. For example inflammation or the cosmetic procedures related to it.

Cases treated under Periodontics-  

  • People with oral inflammations, gingival bleeding, swellings or any morphological changes in the gums or periodontal tissues can consult.
  • Dentists are specialists in treatment of gingivitis or periodontitis cases which are the most common diseases seen in patients. This occurs due to poor oral hygiene or any other systemic complications like diabetes, leukaemia or during pregnancy. 
  • They provide treatment of poor oral status by scaling or root planing and its when plaques and calculus are removed by ultrasonic scalers. Root planing is done by removing the infection from the roots or it’s debridement. 
  • They treat cases of recession in which the gum line recedes thus exposing the roots further causing pain and sensitivity. 
  • Pockets formation which is the most common problem seen are treated by periodontists only. When you have deep pockets which cause gum inflammation, pain needs curettage or deep scaling to be done and to remove the infected and regeneration of healthy tissue
  • Dental implants are also done under the supervision of such dentists. They are trained in  placements and maintenance of implants and further monitoring for complications like peri implantitis. 
  • Flap surgeries in which the gums are separated and flaps are raised to remove all the necrotic tissues and debride the surface for regrowth of healthy tissues are also done by them . These occur in cases of extreme periodontal effects like aggressive periodontitis .


Thus Periodontists are the specialized dentists needed to help general dentists in complicated cases of gums and periodontal tissues. They together make the treatment plan of a patient and provide them with the best options . So if you also have any such complaints then we would like you to acknowledge them and not to take them lightly before they progress into some other disease. 

We at Today’s dental welcome all your questions regarding the topic and will be happy to address them.

Kindly contact us for an appointment and get treated at a very secure and safe place by our experienced dentists. 

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